I have known Pastor Douglas Goh since we met during one of the Love Singapore Prayer Summit in Malacca. Or perhaps in some other earlier meetings. He struck me as a thoroughbred Pentecostal, proud of his roots in the Assemblies of God Singapore, and deeply committed to being more like his Master and helping his members to follow Jesus. After not seeing each other for many years, we bumped into each other at the hospital pharmacy twice. We exchanged numbers and kept in contact. I discovered that recently on 24th May 2024, Pastor Douglas was honoured with a lifetime membership for being an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God Singapore for the last 40 years: a mark of faithfulness and loyalty. Our two God-incidental meetings prompted him to invite me to preach in his church. I gladly accepted and enjoyed my time ministering to the church. They must have found it edifying because they invited me a second time.

Finding the church at Village Hotel Bugis was easier the second time. I was early and had time to grab coffee and biscuits. The members trickled in and the worship service began, led by Pastor Maureen, the wife of Douglas. There was a lone musician at the keyboard and a lone backup singer. Despite the skeletal worship team, I found myself sensing the presence of God and a sense of holiness and peace.
I am always pleasantly surprised even though I know that Jesus said he is present even if two or three are gathered in his name. Why do we always associate God’s presence with huge crowds and big worship bands? God is pleased to be wherever his children are. “Don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you his kingdom.” (Luke 12:32 NLT)

The gathering was small, and I connected easily with this congregation the size of two large extended families. The Lord was present and enabled me to teach them about “Discerning False Prophets & Teachers”. They were appreciative of the teaching and I was glad they caught it. The members were committed to the church, some for many years, even decades.
I joined them for lunch fellowship. I noticed and admired the deep bonds of love. It felt like family. I could see that in the way they treated each other. I was warmed by their hospitality. Noticing that I limped from a bout of gout, they asked me what I wanted and went to buy the food and drink in the food court as I sat and chatted with other members.
I heard some members talking in Malay and I asked, Are you guys Peranakan? Yes. And so too is the pastor and his wife. I had unknowingly stumbled into a small Peranakan Christian community. I found this so interesting, being a Peranakan myself.
I left them after the lunch fellowship filled with the joy of the Lord. The Father loves his little flocks and there are millions of little flocks around the world, in rural villages and small towns, in megacities and slums, in restricted countries where Christians are persecuted, and in prisons and concentration camps. We need “little flocks” – small churches where the bonds of love are strong and deep in an increasingly fractured, digitally impersonal, and polarized world. Fear not, little flocks, the Father’s eyes are upon you!
To know more about this church go HERE.
Dear Ps Douglas, I agree with Ps Kenny Chee that God’s presence was in your Church service because number/size of congregration does not matter to Him. The dedication and faithfulness of a shepherd like you and your members are what God is looking out for. As God told Prophet Samuel that He does not look for outward appearance but He looks into the heart of one who is sold out to serve Him. You and your members’ hearts are all sold out to God through all these years of faithfulness and God is pleased.
Thank you for allowing me to write in your blog. May God continue to watch over you, family and members you persevere in this ministry. He is holding you all in the palm of His Hand. This was the vision I had when I went to your Church to share once many years ago.
Shalom and God’s richest blessings found in our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Thank you Simon for your testimony and affirmation of my personal knowledge of Ps Douglas and my experience at Pentecostal Christian Community. That is a wonderful vision of God holding this church in his hand.