Faith Community Church: a Bible-teaching, migrant church in Perth

the auditorium of a Baptist school/college

Welcomed warmly by the Senior Pastor Benny Ho into the foyer of a Baptist school’s auditorium, we engaged in some small talk and quickly made arrangements to meet after the service. There was a sizable crowd in the auditorium when the service began,  but like in Singapore, latecomers streamed in even as people lifted hands in worship.

worship at Faith Community Church, Perth

A migrant church

Looking around, I saw that the congregation were mainly people of my age with about one third or more youths and young adults. There were less than two handful of Caucasians. Most worshipers were ethnic Chinese. This is an English-speaking migrant church in Perth. Most had come as immigrants from Singapore and Malaysia, led by the Lord, or seeking better and fairer opportunities for their children’s education, and a more satisfying work-life balance.

Being a migrant church, one of the unique strengths of Faith Community Church is that new migrants get referred here and the church is very effective at helping migrants settle into Perth and assimilate into the fellowship. Easily people get fitted into such a helpful and well-networked community.

Pastor Benny Ho

Detailed and relevant Bible teaching

The worship gave way to the teaching of the Word and this is where Faith Community Church excels. Pastor Benny delivered a masterly exposition of Haggai chapter 1, the beginning of a series of messages. This is my third or fourth time hearing him speak and he certainly lives up to his reputation as a good expositor and teacher of the Bible. It was clear and relevant. His detailed and interesting Bible teaching has in no small way contributed to the recent surge in the church’s numerical increase.

Surprise, surprise

Later I met Benny to make an appointment for lunch and to my pleasant surprise I heard that Rev Dr Norman Wong my friend would be in Perth on Monday. So we did lunch together and they gave me some good advice on a difficulty the church I served was facing. These guys are experienced, unassuming and effective pastors whose wisdom and opinions I respect. I was not disappointed with the informal consultation.

Forget about retirement

An interesting aside was meeting Norman’s father, Mr Wong, I called him. He’s 88 and he’s still working. He’s had open heart surgery but looked healthy and still played golf. He said thankfully, “Every day I am still alive is a bonus!” An accountant by training, he still sat on the boards of several listed companies. Mr Lee Kuan Yew would have been happy to use him as an example of working into your old age.

Former church building now used for Chinese Service

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  • Hi, my name is Michelle fm m’sia. Planning to migrate to perth soon. I would like to know some christian frends in perth,

    • Hi Ms Yow, Faith Community Church would be a great place to start looking for friends. Just Google the name of the church to reach its website and see where they are meeting on Sundays.

      • 29th March 2017-Happy Birthday Ps Benny! May He keep on blessing you, your family and FCC. Today hold some very special thoughts and special memories, of just how nice it’s always have been to know you, to worship in the church, to listen to your sermons! fCC will always be my Church!!! I miss the church, Pastors! God bless and keep you. With love Sister Charity Brits

  • Hi
    Will be in Perth on Sun 19th and would like to attend Ps Benny Ho’s church.
    May I have the address and times of the services please.

  • Thanks for this post Ps Kenny. Because of this and the photo of Ps Benny and the pulpit, we’ve been able to track down the kind of pulpit that has been long sought for! Haha! Praise God for modern technology!

  • WOW! Pastor Kenny, you were so blessed to have caught up with Ps Benny. Heard he was travelling quite a fair bit before you arrived. Indeed, the Lord’s timing is divine. Thank you for always sharing and updating us……The Lord continue to strength and uphold you in His love.

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