Kenny Gan: set apart for the nations

Kenny GanI saw his obituary twice over the weekend. I have met and chatted with Kenny Gan a few times but a few of my colleagues in church knew him personally. They served with him in Operation Mobilisation (OM). Kenny is a trophy of God’s amazing grace. He was born into a Buddhist/Taoist family. His dad was abusive and a womanizer and gangster while his mom, an incorrigible gambler. He started smoking at 5 and took to drugs at 13.  A regular in and out of prison, he saw many counsellors who gave up on him. It was at a halfway house that he encountered Jesus and God’s grace transformed his life completely.  Later he joined Operation Mobilization, serving 17 years on board the ship gospel ministry. The ship ministry of OM trained missionaries and wherever it stopped at ports, they held book exhibitions, preached the Gospel and encouraged the churches. However he fell ill with nose cancer and after many years of battling cancer he won the fight of faith, and went home to be with the Lord over this weekend. His was a life given completely to missions, one that had impacted the nations. May this seed sown in the bed of missions multiply a million. May the Lord comfort and strengthen his wife and daughter in their loss.

To hear his powerful testimony view this YouTube video:

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  • Thanks for the link – a inspiring journey of one that kept the faith and left a perpetual light for those of us still bumbling along.

    Have been trying to get my head around what abundant life means ….Kenny Gan’s perspective is…There are many who claimed to be “Spirit-Filled” but constantly manifesting the works of the flesh with loads of self indulgences and selfish lifestyles. I have been convicted many times especially while preparing to speak or after speaking about the “Spirit-Filled” life. I discovered that a Spirit-Filled lifestyle is not only manifesting spiritual gifts but manifesting the work of the Spirit in and through our daily living. The Spirit should lead us into all truth (John 14:26) which means we should be people of the word (of honesty and integrity) and should be able to understand the deep things of God (1 Cor 2:10-11), make us a witnesses (Acts 1:8) and make us testify of the Lord (which should make us all a messengers of God or missionaries). Missions should therefore be a lifetyle(John 15:26) and we should always glorify Him (John16:14)and not boast of self accomplishment. He gives us the courage and boldness that we need(2 Tim 1:7)than we should not live in fear even though there are many uncertainties in life , He also helps us
    to be intercessors and lead us into a life of prayer (Romans 8:26-27) so we can be praying without ceasing ( 1 Thess 5:17) we can pray constantly or be faithful in prayer(Romans 12:9), praying at all times (Eph 6:18) and praying steadfastly (Col 4:2)
    The fruit of the Spirit is Love, therefore we should manifest a loving personality, loving people, caring for them and ministering to them. It is indeed a selfless lifestyle and not a selfish, self-centred one. Its a lifestyle of amazing “Freedom”, not bound by anything on earth, for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is “Freedom” ( 2 Cor 3:17), and the minds controlled by the Spirit is life and peace ( Romans 8:6). Its a lifestyle of complete obedience (1 Pet 1:1-2)

    • Yeah, hearing from what he preaches in the few videos I’ve managed to find on Youtube, this Pastor Kenny Gan is a real man of God and his life is a living epistle of the goodness of the Lord.

      By the way Journeyman, don’t mind me asking – but do you believe that Jesus gave His life for our life and that He lives today? I’m asking because on one hand you seem familiar with Scriptural verses, but on the other hand from what you’ve said on your other posts you seem to be leaning on the skeptical, and so I’m quite confused on what your views actually are.

      • @ben
        Maybe recalibration and leaning towards edgy reality that does not violate Biblical precepts.

        Working on the basis that traditional “theology” does yield a model that enables a handle to see influence of God. Hoping to produce a “working” algorithm that can handle a 3 sigma variance – an outlier frequency of 1:370.

        My belief is being refined from a personal savior and a claim of an abundant present life based on loving God and my neighbour. The first is easier and struggling with the Neighbour bit. Will there be N Fter life – have no evidence one way or the other so living like no tomorrow as the present is already a blessing. If there is a life beyond death, then it will be bonus. If believing an eternal future means a better present, I am not questioning as am completely incompetent.

        I think this sums up my pilgrim’s progress to date – hope it answers yr query

    • Journeyman,

      I like your train of thoughts. It’s a great improvement from before! Yes, yes great progress all in God’s Timing.

      Journeyman, all Christianity is a great faith walk. From the word ‘go’ it’s all one big race to the finish in faith.

      Being a Christian and not having faith is like having an uzi without bullets.

      When the enemy come seeking whom he may devour, you and your uzi will be the first to go.

      Don’t ‘peek’ at your neighbours is the word. In faith and in your ‘walk’….

      Yes, Hebrews 12:2

      Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

      There are many weaknesses to a man. That is why we all need a loving Saviour. No one is excluded. Not even you..

  • What an awesome testimony! When Jesus saves, He really does it in style… From a hopeless drug addict and society’s reject to the highest calling of a pastor. Somehow, I think Jesus loves it when it’s like this.

    He might be no longer on this earth, bu I’m sure this pastor is now having a grand time with Jesus.

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