Prayer for Singapore Election 2020

Our Father in heaven, 

We are at peace because you are still on the throne. Our world has been turned upside down by this pandemic and now we find our nation about to elect new political leaders. 

Lord, we humble ourselves and seek your face. Help this nation to elect good and upright men into authority. For if we elect self-serving people into power, we will all groan and suffer. Grant us discernment to sift the voices and opinions of people and parties. We want to hold to what is true and good and wise. 

Move our heads and hearts by your Spirit to elect men and women who walk in humility, integrity, compassion and justice. 

Shine your face upon us and be gracious to us. We want this nation to be a praise and glory to your name.

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

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  • Thanks Ps Kenny for sharing a prayer on how to pray for our nations. Compared to the UK, we don’t seem to pray for our leaders often enough in congregational prayers, even though the Bible mentions about praying for those in authority in several places. There have been many differing views shared on social media, but what struck me are the 1) number of distractions this GE 2) increasing polarisation and binarisation of opinions and politics 3) economic and social challenges post pandemic no matter the outcome of the election. There are several roles of a government and parliment, but many viewpoints expressed are based on a narrow definition of what they want to see as an election outcome. Covid-19 has deepened the fragmentation of society, and more are unhappy than before. In every election, there will always be people who are disappointed with the voting outcome, but this time more so than before.

    • Hi vs, thanks for your analysis. I heartily agree that there seems to be increased polarisation and less appreciation of diversity of opinions. The heightened dependence on social media during this covid 19 has led to a slant towards entertainment, and a dampening of serious debate. Even unknown uncles and aunties can go viral expressing their opinions in a sincere way. Their soundbites are better received than ministerial speeches. While worrisome, I applaud the daring that social media gives to the “small” citizen. They have a voice that can be heard and cannot be muffled. This encourages active citizenry and greater political participation even if it be a small faltering step forward.

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