What the Singapore general elections 2011 showed me

Lee Hsien Loong showed me how difficult it is for leaders and scholars and highly paid professionals to say- Sorry, we were wrong.

George Yeo showed me that at times leadership entailed a vicarious sacrifice: one had to pay the penalty for the wrongs of others so that others may continue.

Low Thia Kiang showed me that the race is not to the strong, nor the swift, but to the patient.

Nicole Seah showed me that the young can lead when given the space to do so.

Chen Show Mao showed me the best are seeking significance not a higher salary.

Chiam See Tong showed me what passion and focus over the long haul looked like.

Dr Chee Soon Juan showed me the director behind the scenes is as important as the actors on stage.

Singaporeans showed me that when anger and frustration reaches a certain level caution is thrown to the wind.

PAP candidates showed me that we need to make literature compulsory until Junior College level.

The whole election showed me that leaders exist to serve people not just with the head but also with the heart, and to do this well you need a good mix in the cabinet team….and take a good look at Jesus.

Recommended reading: Stillhaventfound’s thoughts on the general elections.

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A Christian’s simple guide to voting

Who should I vote for is the question on my mind and on your minds too. Some thinking and feeling and praying should go into my vote. To help me think through, I came up with a list of criteria. If you want to use it to help you in your decision go ahead but do attach your own individual weight of importance to each of the criteria. Since I am a preacher permit me to indulge in alliteration.


Who are the candidates in the GRC or the SMC? Certainly integrity of character and ability would be an important factor in my choice. While it is difficult to assess a candidate’s character in just two weeks, the testimony of others and character references do help. The speeches and interviews may also let slip some clues. Still it is advantageous for the incumbent, and since its difficult to be fair here, I give this less weight. I just need assurance there is no major doubts about the integrity or ability of the candidates to represent me in Parliament.

Property or practical benefits

This is probably the most self-centred of all the criteria as it has to do with “what’s in it for me and my family?” PAP’s explicit and publicly stated policy is to benefit whichever constituency votes in their candidates. This behaviorist’s approach of carrot and stick in politics has served them well in the past though today’s young voters are a different breed.


Another approach is simply to choose the party whose platform and values I am most aligned to and consonant with. A perfect match is unlikely but I can surely choose the party I am most comfortable with. Read their manifestos and hear the speeches will help me reach a reasonable  judgment.


This criteria is related to the one before it: specific issues and policies. Cost of living, availability of affordable housing, ministers’ salaries, the immigration and foreign worker policy, the care of the elderly and the poor, casinos and their social costs, health care, transparency of dealings of national reserves, and other such matters that fire your heart.  Certainly, how strongly I feel for or against the present state of affairs will somehow be factored into my thinking process.


The big picture, the long term good of the whole of Singapore comes to the forefront here. It’s no longer about whether my mum gets a lift at her floor, or upgrading of the landscaping in my area. It’s about the future I want for Singapore and for my children and children’s children. Which party is more likely to bring me towards that future?

Personal convictions and values

Faith cannot be totally divorced from this. The faith or religion I have does influence what I believe to be important in life and society, and therefore it does colour how I view the world and the decisions I make, including this vote. Christianity values the integrity and righteousness; peace and harmony; truth and justice; compassion and mercy; stewardship of the earth; etc.

Personal ranking of criteria

Individual Christians will of course place different weights of importance to each of these depending on their experiences, stage in life and convictions. Ranking the factors in order of importance helps me make a clearer decision, one that I can be at peace with, one that expresses the unique “me” at this stage of my life.

Prayer and peace

It is important to pray about my vote. Prayer is not only for when I am in trouble. The vote I take can then be free from the forces that have been unleashed by all the different political parties: fear and greed (the same forces that dominate the stock market). When these primal emotions dominate your personal landscape it is difficult to make a peaceful decision. Confidence in God’s love and care provides the basis for me to enter into a restful vote. So I will talk about this with the Lord.

Further reading: The Catholic Archbishop Chia’s pastoral letter for 2011 general elections.

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Nicole Seah: femininity embraced and expressed

Jenni Ho-Huan, in her interesting book, When God Shapes a W.I.F.E.(Armour Publishers), exhorted women to embrace their femininity instead of allowing society to berate her for it. This specialness about females includes: “emotionality”, the desire to bless, and intuition.

“Women have an incredible ability to detect a wide range of stimuli and arrange, file, stack and organize the data we gather. This makes us appear more ‘emotional’ as we respond to multiple stimuli at one time. Our ‘emotionality’, contrary to caricature, is not our weakness but our strength. It allows us to multitask, empathise, and create. This is our gift to humankind. Without a woman’s head and heart for bargains, relational strength, conflict detection, timetable organization and more, what kind of world would we be living in? Women managers who embrace their femininity make wonderful leaders and bosses because they pick up cues that go beyond the Powerpoint presentation, and bother to send a bouquet to a sick employee”(Jenni Ho-Huan, 2011, 29).

When God shapes a W.I.F.E.The woman’s  desire to bless is evident to all and does not need further elaboration. Who hasn’t heard of Mother Theresa or Florence Nightingale and others like them? Intuition is also a quality women have that is not often appreciated. It can be called the sixth sense, or gut feel. It is often misread by men. “Our sharing makes us vulnerable and we get called names like ‘overactive imagination’, ‘controlling’, ‘nagging’ and busybody’”(Jenni Ho-Huan, 2011,31).

Jenni’s encouraging and affirmative word to women is: embrace your femininity, and let God use it to complete what is lacking in this man-world. Incidentally, as I was reading chapter one of this book, there was this young lady candidate like a lone voice in the wilderness crying out for the urgent need to look after Singapore’s elderly poor. She is an NSP candidate and part of a GRC team contesting against the incumbent Senior Minister’s ward of Marine Parade GRC. She seemed to have embraced Nicole Seahher femininity (and I hope it does not get eroded along her political journey of championing justice). She has ’emotionality’, the desire to bless and intuition. Watch this video on razor.tv titled Fresh-faced Nicole Seah generates buzz . You will be encouraged by the forthrightness, intelligence and courage in one only 24. She deserves our respect and support.

Postscript: Noticed lots of inquiry about her faith.  A friend has told me the family attended Bethesda Bedok Tampines, and then Faith Community Baptist Church, and also the New Creation Church. Current status unknown.

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Homosexuality: a geographical angle

Homosexuality has been held forth ad nauseum from so many angles: the theological, historical, political, biological, legal, sociological, economic and ecclesiastical viewpoints. When my daughter, Elaine Chee, who studies geography and business at the NUS, said she wanted to examine homosexuality from a geographical angle, and write about Free Community Church, it got my attention. As you know, geography is not just about climate, contours, crops, cartography, countries and cities. Its also town planning and social groups and lots of other interesting stuff. For those interested, take a look at how space and social identities interact, in her paper (yet to be graded):

Question: How do identities construct spaces and places, & how do spaces and places affect social identities? Illustrate with examples relating to one of the following: gender, sexuality, age.


Not simply an impartial box in which historical events unfold, space is in fact intrinsically intertwined with people in its specific historical context. Rohkrmer and Schulz (2009) further suggest that humans socially construct the meanings of and relationships to space. Physical spaces become places as it is imbued with activities and social cultural expectations and meanings (Nova, 2005). Places, in turn, exert power and influence over humans. Conversely, humans embody multiple social identities that are developed in relation to the ‘other’. Thereby, this essay attempts to unveil the complex negotiation of sexual identities in spaces of engagement between ‘self’ and ‘other’ (Sibley, 2009) by drawing attention to to Free Community Church (FCC) – the only church that endorses homosexuality in Singapore.

Heteronormativity in Singapore

The normalcy and naturalness of heterosexuality legitimizes “certain identities, practices and institutions and the concomitant prohibition of others” (Bells, 2009). As a result, gay sex is viewed in Singapore as “an act of gross indecency”, punishable by a maximum of two years in jail. The government has banned gay festivals, censored gay films, and denied gay group organisations in rejection of homosexuality as a lifestyle choice (Wee, 2005). This effectively labels the homosexuals as the imperfect and deviant ‘other’ as Sibley (2009) proffers.

National Council of Churches’ Stand

Even in the context of the Christian community in Singapore, Rohkmer et al.’s (2009) proposal, of how the dominant power (heterosexual identity) is influential in the construction, reproduction or contestation of space and its associated meanings, holds weight. The prominent representative body of the Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and other Christian congregations in Singapore, is the National Council of Churches (NCC). NCC though adamant that “the practice of homosexuality is clearly incompatible with the teachings of the Christian faith” (NCC Official Statement, 2003), were quick to reassure that they do not “reject or despise homosexuals (homo phobia)… and they should be treated no less as persons of worth and dignity”.

Mediation of sexual identities out of personal experiences and social norms in mainstream churches

Yet, the experiences of homosexuals in mainstream churches depart vastly from those of the heterosexuals. As Lease, Horne & Noffsinger-Frazier (2005) postulates, “love the sinner, hate the sin” belief systems have inescapably “promoted behaviours that ignore or reject same-sex relationships, leaving gays feeling invisible in many congregations”.  Khoo, a member of FCC lamented that she “was made unwelcome by fellow members” and felt ostracized in her previous church upon discovery (Agence France Presse, 2005). Leadership and ministry positions are often denied to open homosexuals as established by another member, Gary Chan, who expressed that he was asked to quit the church band (Wee, 2005).

Given the implicit and explicit heterosexualizing of mainstream churches, gay Christians are inevitably forced to repress their sexual identity in a process of ‘closeting’ as referred to by Bell (2009). Tianci, a church-goer of FCC, was quoted that this was done “in fear of getting blacklisted… But they expect you to change and become straight, or at least to be celibate” (The New Paper, 2004). Evidently, spaces and places manifest the appropriation and conformance of norms and expectations as enforced by the hegemonic identity.

Identity conflict giving birth to new spaces

Furthermore, the social identity of gay Christians in non-affirming mainstream churches takes a bashing when exposed to religious teachings opposing homosexuality. Researchers have attested to them experiencing heightened internalized homonegativity and associated shame (Shidlo, 1994) as well as low self esteem and social isolation (Szymanski, Chung & Balsam, 2001).  This places them in a double bind of denying “their sexuality in order to accept their religion or suffer with the message that they are sinful in God’s eyes” (Ritter & O’Neill, 1995). To resolve this spiritual-sexuality identity conflict (Baumeister, Shapiro & Tice, 1985), each equally important to the tormented individual, they sought a safe haven where identity integration, as described by Rodriguez and Ouellette (2000), of both religious and homosexual identities could harmoniously co-exist.

This gave birth to a new gay positive church-space – the Free Community Church (FCC) in Singapore. As Manzo (2005) asserts, people actively shape their environment and espouse creativity to meet their needs. Here, pro-gay sites like FCC are innovatively forged by circumventing regulative regimes via “registering itself as a company whereby worship session are considered private gatherings” (Wee, 2005). Reiterative religious spatial practices, like worship, prayer sessions and sermons, therefore imbue meaning into the space such that a sense of place is developed.

Reinforcement of identity through space and place

Above that, the FCC embodies a refuge where concordant individuals positively reinforce their lifestyles and lends social support (Rodriguez, 2010) in dealing with the social and cultural alienation (Enroth, 1974). This is actualized through identifying strongly with liberating gay theology where homosexuality is biblically viewed in a positive light (Englund, 1991), alluding that “God is on their side”. Rev. Yap, Pastoral Advisor to FCC, adds that FCC “helps them to increase their self-esteem and to know that they are not doing anything sinful” (Agence France Presse, 2005).

Human experience and relationship with place has in indelible impact on their identity “influencing their actions and self-understanding” (Wiles, Allen & Palmer, 2009). In fact, FCC, as a place has “become ‘part of the person’, having been incorporated into one’s concept of self” (Krupat, 1983). Applying Boa and Palfreyman’s (2000) concept of Heimat to FCC, a sense of belonging serves to shield the self by stimulating linkages with fellow homosexuals which “feeds and sustains a sense of identity”, thereby empowering them.

Re- “othering” of pro-gay spaces

Nonetheless, Spencer (1994) warns about the trappings of becoming too integrated and thus too isolated from the rest of the relevant communities, ironically setting up boundaries against others. Rodriguez and Ouellette (1999) argues that heterosexuals feel estranged and that the compulsion for inclusiveness in pro-gay churches may coerce people to conform to their norms of being fully accepting or risk exclusion. Hence, the meaning of place is highly contested and never fully inclusive as “different individuals and groups read space in very different ways” (Rohkrmer et al., 2009).

Tolerated space” as legitimizing dominant sexual identities

On closer scrutiny, Bells maintains that the creation of ‘gay space’ like FCC achieves little in effectively challenging the hegemony of ‘straight space’- elsewhere. Thus, instead of undermining ‘heteronormativity’ such ‘gay spaces’ may actually sanction and champion it by demeaning itself as a ‘tolerated zone’ and reinforcing their deviant sexual identity. This fear is prevalent in FCC as envinced by church-goer Peter Goh’s plea for FCC to be known as “an all-inclusive church” rather than labelled a “gay church” (The New Paper, 2004).


In conclusion, the incongruence of simultaneously embodying both a Christian and homosexual identity has driven the construction of a new gay-positive space as a safe fortress for gay Christians to practice their faith. This, consequently, has affected their social identities both for better and for worse. Despite individuals achieving internal reconciliation and bolstering self esteem, FCC has ultimately only reinforced the heteronormativity that it had endeavoured to overcome.

Word Count: 1,098 words


Agence France Presse. (19 June 2005). No parties or sex, but Singapore’s gay Christians can         gather to pray. Retrieved September, 10, 2010, from http://www.factiva.com.

Baumeister, R. F., Shapiro, J. P., & Tice, D. M. (1985). Two kinds of identity crisis. Journal         of Personality 53, pp. 407–424.

Bell, D. (2009). Heteronormativity. International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (pp.          119-124). Oxford: Elsevier.

Boa, E. & Palfreyman, R. (2000). Heimat – A German Dream: Regional Loyalties and      National Identities in German Culture 1890 – 1990. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Englund, M. E. (1991). The Bible and homosexuality (4th ed.). Gaithersburg, MD: Chi Rho          Press.

Enroth, R. M. (1974). The homosexual Church: An ecclesiastical extension of a subculture.          Social Compass 21, pp. 355–360.

Free Community Church Official Website. (n.d.). Retrieved September, 10, 2010, from             http://www.freecomchurch.org/07-getting.htm.

Heermann, M., Wiggins, M. I., & Rutter, P. A. (2007). Creating a space for spiritual practice:        Pastoral possibilities with sexual minorities. Pastoral Psychology 55(6), pp. 711-721.

Howell, P. (2009). Sexuality. International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (pp. 119-            124). Oxford: Elsevier.

Krupat, E. (1983). A place for place identity. Journal of Environmental Psychology 3, pp.             343-344.

Lease, S. H., Horne, S. G., & Noffsinger-Frazier, N. (2005). Affirming faith experiences and        psychological health for Caucasian lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals. Journal of         Counseling Psychology 52(3), pp. 378–388.

Manzo, L.C. (2005). For better or worse: exploring multiple dimensions of place meaning.             Journal of Environment Psychology 25(1), pp. 67–86.

National Council of Churches of Singapore. (2003, July 29). Official Statement on Homosexuality. Retrieved September, 10, 2010, from     http://www.nccs.org.sg/NCCS/Statement_Homosexuality.html.

Nova, N. (2005). A review of how space affords socio-cognitive processes during             collaboration. Psychonology Journal 3(2), pp. 118–148.

Ritter, K. Y., & O’Neill, G. W. (1995). Moving through loss: The spiritual journey of gay men and lesbian women. In: Burke, M. T.  & Miranti, J. G.  (eds) Counseling: The      spiritual dimension. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association, pp. 126–141.

Rodriguez, E. M., & Ouellette, S. C. (1999). The Metropolitan Community Church of New
York: A gay and lesbian community. The Community Psychologist 32(3), pp. 24–29.

Rodriguez, E. M., & Ouellette, S. C. (2000). Gay and lesbian Christians: Homosexual and            religious identity integration in the members and participants of a gay-positive church.           Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 39, pp. 333–347.

Rodriguez, E. M. (2010). At the intersection of church and gay: A review of the    psychological research on gay and lesbian christians. Journal of Homosexuality 57(1),    pp. 5-38.

Sibley, D. (2009). Sexuality. International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (pp. 119- 124). Oxford: Elsevier.

Spencer, D. (1994). Church at the margins. In:  Nelson, J. B. & Longfellow, S. P.  (eds.),
Sexuality and the sacred: Sources for theological reflection. Louisville, KY:            Westminster, pp. 397–401.

Szymanski, D. M., Chung, Y. B., & Balsam, K. F. (2001). Psychosocial correlates of         internalized homophobia in lesbians. Measurement and Evaluation in Counselling       and Development 34, pp. 27-49.

The New Paper. (2004, July 14). Prayers held in a pub. Retrieved September 10, 2010, from             http://www.factiva.com.

Wee, S. L. (2005, July 18). Gay Singaporeans gather to pray in Christian church in country           that outlaws homosexuality. Associated Press Newswires. Retrieved September 10,        2010, from http://www.factiva.com.

Wiles, J. L., Allen, R. E. S., Palmer, A. J., Hayman, K. J., Keeling, S., & Kerse, N. (2009).            Older people and their social spaces: A study of well-being and attachment to place in           Aotearoa New Zealand. Social Science and Medicine 68(4), pp. 664-671.

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Li Nanxing’s conversion to Christ

Li Nanzing movie starIt was a triple fall that led to Li Nanxing’s salvation. First, was a “fall” in his career when he made a politically incorrect statement during his acceptance speech in an awards ceremony. Second, was when an dishonest manager swindled him of his investment in a business. And third was an actual freak fall from an entertainment center in Bangkok. He walked through an exit door that was supposed to be locked but wasn’t, and fell down three storeys, but felt that an angel cushioned the li nanxingfall and minimized his injury to his foot. His christian friend had been praying for him. Later that friend invited him to the healing rally at Lighthouse Evangelism, and the Lord had mercy on him and saved him. He also saw the Lord deliver him from vices of gambling, drinking and smoking and delivered him from financial ruin. Now he is happy and debt free. Let me supplement what I heard with details from a report by Channel News Asia titled, “Li Nanxing once racked up S$2m in debt, thought of suicide”

Veteran Singapore actor Li Nanxing revealed that he once indulged in gambling, drinking and even had suicidal thoughts when he could not pay off his mountain of debts, said media reports.

Li told his story to a large crowd on Sunday night at an event at the church Lighthouse Evangelism where many showed up after hearing that he would be speaking.

The television actor reportedly said that he racked up almost S$2 million in debt after making a bad investment decision.

He explained that while he was quite popular the first nine years of his career, his career came to a virtual halt after he said he “was fine with it” when he went on stage to receive an award for his role in the 1997 drama “Rising Expectations”.

Li did not manage to get many roles after that incident and decided to try his hand in business, so he took out S$900,000, his entire savings from nearly a decade of acting, and opened a members-only club with his friends.

“I was the largest shareholder at the time! When I finally got a chance to shoot a drama in China, I ‘pre-signed’ a number of cheques and left my business partners in charge of the venture,” said the 45-year-old.

“The six months I was in China, I only communicated with my business partner over the phone. I only found out later that the general manager was dishonest. Besides losing my S$900,000 investment, I still owed suppliers and developers S$500,000. That S$900,000 was everything I had from nearly a decade of work.”

Things started getting from bad to worse for the then-penniless Li. He lost his driving license for drink driving, owed S$45,000 in taxes and even had to borrow S$30,000 from loansharks to avoid losing his house after defaulting on loan repayments in 2002.

Li added that at one point, he even had to scrounge for loose change to buy food. He only had something good when his pay cheque finally came in at month’s end.

Facing such enormous pressure, Li turned to gambling, drinking and smoking almost three packets of cigarettes a day to numb himself. However, this only served to land him deeper in debt and made him think of taking his own life.

“I did not have any friends, I could not sleep… I thought of suicide, to end it all with my death,” said Li who went on to describe those years as the “darkest days of [his] life”.

Li said it is only after he chanced upon religion that he was miraculously “saved”.

His business partner wanted to settle their differences out of court and offered Li S$210,000 while his creditors stopped going after him and instead went after his other two business partners. He also signed with a new management company and managed to get a number of jobs overseas.

All this allowed him to clear all his debt within a year.

“After that, I no longer gambled, drank or smoked. I sleep peacefully every night and have a better temperament. I am a changed man,” said Li.

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