What the Singapore general elections 2011 showed me

Lee Hsien Loong showed me how difficult it is for leaders and scholars and highly paid professionals to say- Sorry, we were wrong.

George Yeo showed me that at times leadership entailed a vicarious sacrifice: one had to pay the penalty for the wrongs of others so that others may continue.

Low Thia Kiang showed me that the race is not to the strong, nor the swift, but to the patient.

Nicole Seah showed me that the young can lead when given the space to do so.

Chen Show Mao showed me the best are seeking significance not a higher salary.

Chiam See Tong showed me what passion and focus over the long haul looked like.

Dr Chee Soon Juan showed me the director behind the scenes is as important as the actors on stage.

Singaporeans showed me that when anger and frustration reaches a certain level caution is thrown to the wind.

PAP candidates showed me that we need to make literature compulsory until Junior College level.

The whole election showed me that leaders exist to serve people not just with the head but also with the heart, and to do this well you need a good mix in the cabinet team….and take a good look at Jesus.

Recommended reading: Stillhaventfound’s thoughts on the general elections.

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  • Hi Checkers, they need to be more creative and use better analogies in their speeches. Seem to be outdone by opposition candidates most of the time.

  • I like the lessons learnt as written on your post, but I don’t quite get the bit about literature till JC level? I might have missed out on something …

  • Dear Pastor,
    It’s not about good mix. It’s about believing and understanding that when Christ is in you, Love is in you. How not to have good leaders when Love is existing in their hearts, which their actions are only fruits of the Love that is abiding in them. Only Love will over-come grief and hatred. God says that His people lack of understanding. Understanding the eternal true Love existing in His people.
    Amen? Amen!

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