Off to trek in the Annapura trails in Nepal


Early this morning I sent my wife and two trekking friends to the Changi airport.Together with nine others they flew off to Kathmandu.

She had been packing for close to a week and even then last night she was at it past midnight, and this morning she was again at it before we went off at 6.20am.

Are women different from men in the way and the amount they pack? Or is it just that my wife would be in the scenic and cool mountains for many many days? When I went two years ago it was for a less than a week. This time they would be trekking about ten days.

How many days would it be before the fun and sense of wonder evaporates, and the drudgery and hardship and longing for ease and laksa kick in?

For me it was the connect with the Creator, and the good company of friends that sublimated the hardship, sacrifices and weariness.

A great incentive was to become toned, healthier, and to have achieved it while enjoying a holiday.

As I waved goodbye to them I felt a tinge of longing to be with them. Nostalgia descended as I viewed slides of two years ago.

Have a look, and consider planning a different kind of vacation one day.

Jewels of Nepal from Blogpastor on Vimeo.

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  • Yesterday, my wife and my two younger sisters set out for their trekking trip through the urban jungle of Hong Kong 😉

    “How many days would it be before the fun and sense of wonder evaporates?” I think it will be more than the three days they’ll be there 😉

  • “For me it was the connect with the Creator, and the good company of friends that sublimated the hardship, sacrifices and weariness.

    A great incentive was to become toned, healthier, and to have achieved it while enjoying a holiday.

    As I waved goodbye to them I felt a tinge of longing to be with them. Nostalgia descended as I viewed slides of two years ago.

    Have a look, and consider planning a different kind of vacation one day.”

    Your good spirit has convinced me to plan a different vacation indeed.

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